Hello everyone,
I wanted to let you know that we officially moved to Tumblr, and here is the NEW BLOG:
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Apr 27, 2013
Apr 26, 2013
Epi. 29 Ozet
Mahir’in sırrını öğrenen Feride şok olur. Mahir’i tutuklatmaya karar verir. Ancak durumdan istifade eden Turgut, Feride’nin yüreğini kazanmak için sürpriz bir hamle yapar. Mahir sevkiyatta çıkan olayların örtbas edilmesinde Turgut’un parmağı olduğundan şüphelenir. Dava dosyasına ulaşmak için gizlice adliyeye, Turgut’un odasına girer. Bu sırada Mahir, ölüm fermanının yazıldığından habersizdir! Mahir, Turgut’un maskesini düşürmek için Feride’nin karşısına çıkar. Ancak hayatı tehlikededir. Ölümün soğuk nefesi Mahir’in ensesindedir!
Mahir’in sırrını öğrenen Feride şok olur. Mahir’i tutuklatmaya karar verir. Ancak durumdan istifade eden Turgut, Feride’nin yüreğini kazanmak için sürpriz bir hamle yapar. Mahir sevkiyatta çıkan olayların örtbas edilmesinde Turgut’un parmağı olduğundan şüphelenir. Dava dosyasına ulaşmak için gizlice adliyeye, Turgut’un odasına girer. Bu sırada Mahir, ölüm fermanının yazıldığından habersizdir! Mahir, Turgut’un maskesini düşürmek için Feride’nin karşısına çıkar. Ancak hayatı tehlikededir. Ölümün soğuk nefesi Mahir’in ensesindedir!
After learning Mahir’s secret, Feride is shocked
and makes a decision to arrest him. In the meanwhile, using the new situation,
Turgut makes a surprising move to win Feride’s heart.
Mahir suspects Turgut’s involvement in the covering up the arms smuggling incident.
To access the case files, Turgut sneaks into the archive room.
At this moment, unaware that his death order has been given, Mahir goes to Feride with the information that will unmask Turgut. But, his life is in danger. Death’s cold breath is on Mahir’s neck.
Mahir suspects Turgut’s involvement in the covering up the arms smuggling incident.
To access the case files, Turgut sneaks into the archive room.
At this moment, unaware that his death order has been given, Mahir goes to Feride with the information that will unmask Turgut. But, his life is in danger. Death’s cold breath is on Mahir’s neck.
Apr 24, 2013
Injustice is done towards Berguzar Korel!
Translation of the article, done by @aylinszgn on instagram (thank you):
"Wrong and injustice is done to Bergüzar Korel* (the author protects Bergüzar because she likes Bergüzar's acting): Bergüzar started to make the best of her acting skills. She does not think that she needs to be workless because of Kenan, though she works a lot. In this episode (28) we really felt Feride! I watched a Feride who is in love, angry, sad and upset! And she managed to show all these feelings in ONE scene! She also managed to make all women cry... But today I want to talk about another point. Sometimes we watch a series or a show and we criticize their acting. Yes. Sometimes I criticize the actors and you are angry with me but now we are talking about Bergüzar Korel. When Karadayi started Armagan Caglayan called her a bad actress through Twitter. After this Korel's acting started. Later this discussion stopped because the first episodes had to do with mahir and not that much with Feride. People realized this fact and that's why they stopped the discussion. It was not Feride's fault and she wouldn't have been able to take more roles than Mahir and his father. When the love between M and F started and she knew who Salih really is, everyone started to talk about her acting. So she came out of her role, she stood up to it. Up until now we saw a lovely Feride who is hardly in love with Salih. But be ready to see a woman who is angry and in love"
"Wrong and injustice is done to Bergüzar Korel* (the author protects Bergüzar because she likes Bergüzar's acting): Bergüzar started to make the best of her acting skills. She does not think that she needs to be workless because of Kenan, though she works a lot. In this episode (28) we really felt Feride! I watched a Feride who is in love, angry, sad and upset! And she managed to show all these feelings in ONE scene! She also managed to make all women cry... But today I want to talk about another point. Sometimes we watch a series or a show and we criticize their acting. Yes. Sometimes I criticize the actors and you are angry with me but now we are talking about Bergüzar Korel. When Karadayi started Armagan Caglayan called her a bad actress through Twitter. After this Korel's acting started. Later this discussion stopped because the first episodes had to do with mahir and not that much with Feride. People realized this fact and that's why they stopped the discussion. It was not Feride's fault and she wouldn't have been able to take more roles than Mahir and his father. When the love between M and F started and she knew who Salih really is, everyone started to talk about her acting. So she came out of her role, she stood up to it. Up until now we saw a lovely Feride who is hardly in love with Salih. But be ready to see a woman who is angry and in love"
"Yerel ve Bölgesel Televizyonlar Birliği" [Association of Local and Regional Televisions Awards]
Karadayı fırtınası

ATV'nin reyting rekortmeni dizisi 'Karadayı' geceye damga vurdu. "En Başarılı Dizi" seçilen Karadayı'nın iki yıldızı Kenan İmirzalıoğlu ve Bergüzar Korel de ödüllendi.
Sevilen oyuncular "En Başarılı Kadın Oyuncu ve En Başarılı Erkek Oyuncu" seçildi. 'En Başarılı Kadın' Emine Erdoğan seçilirken, 'En İyi Haber Kanalı' ise A Haber oldu.
In short: it says the record breaking tv series Karadayi won awards for:
- The most successful dizi
- The most successful actor (Kenan İmirzalıoğlu)
ATV'nin reyting rekortmeni dizisi 'Karadayı' geceye damga vurdu. "En Başarılı Dizi" seçilen Karadayı'nın iki yıldızı Kenan İmirzalıoğlu ve Bergüzar Korel de ödüllendi.
Sevilen oyuncular "En Başarılı Kadın Oyuncu ve En Başarılı Erkek Oyuncu" seçildi. 'En Başarılı Kadın' Emine Erdoğan seçilirken, 'En İyi Haber Kanalı' ise A Haber oldu.
In short: it says the record breaking tv series Karadayi won awards for:
- The most successful dizi
- The most successful actor (Kenan İmirzalıoğlu)
- The most successful music in TV
‘Karadayı’, the television series produced by Atv has been nominated for the “Best Television Series” category in South Korea’s Seoul International Drama Awards.

The popular Turkish television series 'Karadayı' has been nominated for the "Best Television Series" category at the Seoul International Drama Awards. According to viewer votes, 'Karadayı' is the probable winner for the accolade which will be handed out at the awards ceremony held on September 5th in Seoul.
Atv's popular television show 'Karadayı', which has fast become a phenomenon, will soon be making its mark on the 2013 Seoul International Drama Awards. The television show, which stars Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, Bergüzar Korel and Çetin Tekindor', has now been selected as one of six international television dramas competing for the title of "Best Television Series". The other contenders in the category is 'New Beginning' which hails from Portugal, 'Srugim' from Israel, 'Village Escape-2' from Kazakhstan, 'The Red Band Society' from Spain and '20 Minutes' from Turkey.
Viewers are able to vote for their favorite show on the competition website. As of now, 'Karadayı' has received the most viewer support. Leaving its competitors in its wake, 'Karadayı' has received over 51,000 votes. 'Karadayı' is followed by 'The Red Band Society' which has received 6,000 votes. The Seoul International Drama Awards will be held on September 5th at the Korean National Theater. Last year, the drama 'Ezel', which also starred Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, was the recipient of a special acknowledgement award.
This is a translation of an article originally written by Merve Yurtyapan.
‘Karadayı’, the television series produced by Atv has been nominated for the “Best Television Series” category in South Korea’s Seoul International Drama Awards.
The popular Turkish television series 'Karadayı' has been nominated for the "Best Television Series" category at the Seoul International Drama Awards. According to viewer votes, 'Karadayı' is the probable winner for the accolade which will be handed out at the awards ceremony held on September 5th in Seoul.
Atv's popular television show 'Karadayı', which has fast become a phenomenon, will soon be making its mark on the 2013 Seoul International Drama Awards. The television show, which stars Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, Bergüzar Korel and Çetin Tekindor', has now been selected as one of six international television dramas competing for the title of "Best Television Series". The other contenders in the category is 'New Beginning' which hails from Portugal, 'Srugim' from Israel, 'Village Escape-2' from Kazakhstan, 'The Red Band Society' from Spain and '20 Minutes' from Turkey.
Viewers are able to vote for their favorite show on the competition website. As of now, 'Karadayı' has received the most viewer support. Leaving its competitors in its wake, 'Karadayı' has received over 51,000 votes. 'Karadayı' is followed by 'The Red Band Society' which has received 6,000 votes. The Seoul International Drama Awards will be held on September 5th at the Korean National Theater. Last year, the drama 'Ezel', which also starred Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, was the recipient of a special acknowledgement award.
This is a translation of an article originally written by Merve Yurtyapan.
"Sevmek kimi zaman rezilce
İnsan bir akşam üstü ansızın yorulur
Tutsak ustura ağzında yaşamaktan..."
Feride Mahir’i dinlemek istemez. Mahir, Feride’nin peşinden gider.
MAHİR: Sana aşığım derken... gözlerine hasretle bakarken hepsi bendim. Mahir’dim... Ne olur düşün Feride. İnanacaksın bana... Her şey yalan olsa da aşkımıza inanacaksın.
Necdet, Mahir’in kendisini araştırdığını öğreniyor.
NECDET: Al artık bu adamı ayağımın altından... Bak beni araştırıyor. Zaten burnumun dibinde... Her işime engel...
Mahir yakalanacağını düşünerek evdekilerle vedalaşıyor.
Mahir ve Yasin, Turgut’un açığını yakalamak için adliyeye gidiyorlar herkesten habersiz...
Mahir bir kere daha Feride’yi görmeye gidiyor ama bu defa Turgut için... İşte o sırada olanlar oluyor ve Mahir vuruluyor.
FERİDE: Mahir...
Translation (90% accurate):
The first part is an excerpt of the Ben Sana Mecburum şiir.
Feride does not want to listen to Mahir. Mahir goes after Feride.
Mahir: I am saying that I love you. I'm saying it while looking at those longing eyes... I am Mahir, please think Feride. You will believe me Feride. Even if everything was a lie, you will believe our love.
Necdet finds out that Mahir is spying him.
Necdet: Take this man out so that he is no longer on my feet. He is investigating about me. Already under my nose. Always an obstacle to my work.
Mahir thinks he will be caught, and goes to say goodbye to everyone at home.
"Mahir and Yasin go to the courthouse to go arrest Turgut, everyone else is unaware of that..." --> the wording can be deceiving, because it could also mean that Turgut is unaware of the shortfall of his plan, and Mahir & Yasin are coming after him at the Courthouse.
Mahir once more goes to see Feride but this time because of Turgut. She happens to be here, and Mahir is shot.
Feride: Mahir...
İnsan bir akşam üstü ansızın yorulur
Tutsak ustura ağzında yaşamaktan..."
Feride Mahir’i dinlemek istemez. Mahir, Feride’nin peşinden gider.
MAHİR: Sana aşığım derken... gözlerine hasretle bakarken hepsi bendim. Mahir’dim... Ne olur düşün Feride. İnanacaksın bana... Her şey yalan olsa da aşkımıza inanacaksın.
Necdet, Mahir’in kendisini araştırdığını öğreniyor.
NECDET: Al artık bu adamı ayağımın altından... Bak beni araştırıyor. Zaten burnumun dibinde... Her işime engel...
Mahir yakalanacağını düşünerek evdekilerle vedalaşıyor.
Mahir ve Yasin, Turgut’un açığını yakalamak için adliyeye gidiyorlar herkesten habersiz...
Mahir bir kere daha Feride’yi görmeye gidiyor ama bu defa Turgut için... İşte o sırada olanlar oluyor ve Mahir vuruluyor.
FERİDE: Mahir...
Translation (90% accurate):
The first part is an excerpt of the Ben Sana Mecburum şiir.
Feride does not want to listen to Mahir. Mahir goes after Feride.
Mahir: I am saying that I love you. I'm saying it while looking at those longing eyes... I am Mahir, please think Feride. You will believe me Feride. Even if everything was a lie, you will believe our love.
Necdet finds out that Mahir is spying him.
Necdet: Take this man out so that he is no longer on my feet. He is investigating about me. Already under my nose. Always an obstacle to my work.
Mahir thinks he will be caught, and goes to say goodbye to everyone at home.
"Mahir and Yasin go to the courthouse to go arrest Turgut, everyone else is unaware of that..." --> the wording can be deceiving, because it could also mean that Turgut is unaware of the shortfall of his plan, and Mahir & Yasin are coming after him at the Courthouse.
Mahir once more goes to see Feride but this time because of Turgut. She happens to be here, and Mahir is shot.
Feride: Mahir...
Apr 23, 2013
2 - STILL EDITING IT, and will continue to edit it later tonight.
Mahir comes home with the flowers, Feride opens the door:
Mahir: This was the last bouquet, I know it's not as beautiful as you are, but I hope you will forgive me. Feride whatever you say, you're right, I am very late and made you wait for so long. Feride... Sweetie what did you cook for us?
Mahir: You are angry, I know. And you're right. Look at you, you haven't eaten anything, come on let's eat together.
Feride: No, I am not hungry.
Mahir: Burek (pastry) is so delicious, when did you prepare it? Oh your cooking is very good, hakime hanim.
Feride: I didn't make it, Aunt Atiye made them.
Mahir: Really? Ehh... And what did Aunt Atiye want?
Feride: Nothing, we just talked.
Mahir: Regarding what? What did she say?
Feride: What kind of question is this Salih, interrogation? Have I done something wrong? Shouldn't I have opened the door for the woman? Plus I don't know if I shouldn't tell anyone that I am here!
Mahir: No, that's not what I wanted to say.
Feride: So, what did you want to say?? You got annoyed when I said that I met the woman and talked to her! Accept it, we've already known each other by now! I am truly hurt Salih! ِI am angry because is it me you want to hide or your life from? What is it Salih?
Orhan-Necdet washing hands after burying a corpse:
Necdet: Where did you serve your military? It's clear, this is not the first time, one who touches a corpse for a first time becomes just like it... It's hard to touch cold flesh and look at the eyes.
Orhan: No... it's the first time.
Mahir-Feride fight continues...
Feride: Are you hiding the truth from me, or lying to me? I want to know! There's nothing real about you and, I know that already... isn't that right?
Mahir: Feride, listen to me, please...
Feride: Shut up... don't talk. If you're going to lie to me again, I don't want to hear it! Each lie you tell me, you tear my heart apart even more. I already know thateverything I know about you is not real! I came to this neighbourhood alone, at one time... Did you know that? I asked everyone about you, and no one knows you! OK, I know you're in a secret mission and that could be the reason, and maybe you're lying to a lot of people like this in your life and maybe no one knows your real name except your family, and maybe all these secrets and your identity can not be revealed but I know about your mission, and why you came to the court. You would be right to keep it hidden if I didn't know! But I already DO, plus I am a judge Salih. Someone who walks with you on the same road! All I want is for guilty ones to be punished, and for justice to prevail! Can't you realize that I can hide all your secrets? What would happen if you tell me your real name? Huh? What would happen? Would the world stand still? The sky would fall down? What would happen? It's just a simple name! Or even if I could get to know anyone from your family... Just one of them! Or see from a distance. What would happen if I could hear your true story? Even some little part? I can't get how can I be of any harm to your mission? You're always telling me: Feride, don't ask me about anything!! Feride, I don't want to lie to you - THEN Don't! Why are you lying to me? Don't you know that I can keep your secrets? I would give up my life before I would tell anyone even your name.
MAHIR: Feride please trust me...
FERIDE: I trust you, I even trust you very much. I trust you so much to the extent that I left my past and my family behind me, I trust you so much that I forget myself, and my career, but you are the one who doesn't trust me! You don't trust me! And this is hurting me so much... I am sharing all my secrets, losing myself to you, but sometimes being lost in love is not enough... It's not enough to see the love you have for me in your eyes. I want to be in your life and I want you to be in mine but you don't want that... *PAUSE* Hah, you don't have a single sentence to say to me!
And Feride goes upstairs.
Turgut at the police station:
Turgut: All these crimes take place because of the ignorance.
Officer: What is the accident, prosecutor?
Turgut: They are working at this Transport agency, and had a fight over a woman, then went to the yard to fight but the other party was armed, and 5 were killed, 2 of them were caught from both sides and they are the only ones left alive... They confessed their crime.
Officer: And when will their special documents arrive at the work place?
Turgut: I asked for them all, but one of them is Bulgarian or something, and came to visit one of them... He's very young.
Officer: Poor boy!
Turgut: This is so distressing for me this late. Anyway, I will go now, and will have a detailed interrogation tomorrow at the court.
Officer: OK
Turgut: Has any other accident happened tonight officer? Was anyone from the court killed ?
Officer: No sir! Who told you that?
Turgut: It's okay, it seems like am not remembering well. Anyway, I am so tired. Have a nice shift.
Officer: Good night.
Turgut: Do not say a word Necdet! Get out!
Necdet: I didn't come to explain brother...
Turgut: If you came to apologize because of failing your job, shut up!
Necdet: And you will keep going and not knowing who Salih is!
Turgut: Did you lose your mind? Of course I know he's not Salih, am I an idiot?! You finish the job that I gave to you.
Necdet: Who's Salih?!
Turgut: It doesn't matter Necdet, keep that in your thick mind, it's not important who he is!
Necdet: No, it is important, and you don't know.
Turgut: Allah Allah... Come on, Necdet speak up. Who is he??
Necdet: Salih Ipek laughed at us and fooled us all. There's a shoe maker hiding in these clothes, prosecutor! The point is Salih Ipek is Mahir Kara himself!
Turgut's reaction is so enjoyable!
Orhan comes home, Safiye opens the door:
S: Are you okay, son?
O: I am fine, mother.
S: Come, get in... Son, what happened? Come and sit down.
O: I am really fine, I walked a little and got tired.
S: Oh sweetie, you're not totally recovered yet. But if you're saying you're fine, go to the store Orhan. Azmi is all alone and searching for someone to help in the store, and we don't know who would be good candidate. Your brother can't do everything, he ripped himself apart for us and for your father, and if you could just do some effort like your brother.
O: It's hard mom... so hard...
S: It's not son, everything will work out if you could show some effort.
O: It's very hard to be like my brother.
Turgut going crazy... Drinking uncontrollably from a bottle of Whiskey... and swearing a lot! (as for me, I bursted out into laughter)
Turgut: How Mahir Kara dared to fool all of us? He came into the courthouse. He was SO prepared that he played the role of a law graduate so well!
No one suspected he is not a lawyer not even me! If it was not for him, Nazif Kara’s case would have been closed so long ago! This man is SO clever he fooled us all. He was able to convince Feride. He blew our plan so cleverly that there is no one gap in what he did! AHHHHH he made a fool out of me! This is the first time someone outsmarts me. (No Turgut, you just had luck so far in putting your plans into effect! Mahir is the clever one MUAHAHA).
Turgut: I can't believe it Necdet! And I thought he was some secret agent from the internal affairs! But I was the one hunted Necdet, for the first time in my life, I was entrapped!
Necdet: What's done, it's done... let's see what will we do?
Turgut: This man is so dangerous!
Necdet: He's very daring. That's why he's jumping above everything. He's relying on his hand's power!
Turgut: Look Necdet, this man is so smart! He made this play, nobody said he didn't study law or that he wasn't a lawyer. He deceived us all, and he's so brave that he can burn and throw himself to danger, facing all troubles. This man is so dangerous, so brave that he even throws himself to death without hesitation and never gives up. This man is set on trying to save his father. Very dangerous... very!
Mahir-Feride....Feride writes a letter:
Mahir: Feride will you open up?
Feride: Yes
Mahir: Do you need anything? Good night Feride!
Feride's letter:
I understood. There is no point to continue in this. I cannot stop the fight between my thoughts and heart! My heart wants to ignore all the obscurity, live the dream and just give our love a chance but I am not able to stop my thinking! I just cannot. Salih, I understand you, now no longer does it make sense to force each other. I can not be left the way you want it. I have many questions but you choose silence. This can't be continued. I am hurting very much from all this. You always be my love know it."
Turgut visits Mehmet Saim and Kerime:
MS: Welcome Turgut.
Turgut: Good evening, excuse me for disturbing you.
MS: It's okay, you came for something regarding Feride... Is it over? Is this man out of Feride's life?
Turgut: Not yet, but I have something very important to tell you.
MS: What is it?
Turgut: Salih ipek is not who we think he is...
MS : Then whose man he is?
Turgut: No one's, he's the shoe maker Mahir Kara, Nazif's son, the accused of murdering the general attorney.
MS : What are you saying Turgut?
Turgut: He managed to get involved in his father's case.
Kerime: How did he manage to do that? Is it so easy to get into the court like this? Where did he find all these papers and certificate?
Turgut: He took some dead student's place, I don't know how did he get the certificates and organized the papers for himself! Most probably he's getting help from the inside, I will look in this matter.
MS: Haven't you been suspicious about it? Didn't Feride doubt him? How can a shoe maker made you believe he's a lawyer? Were you studying 4 years at law school in vain?
Turgut: I was asking myself the same question for hours, Bakan Bey! But the man is smart, he did everything right. I doubted him before, and when I looked into his papers, I thought I found all the answers for Feride's and my questions.
MS: And who came up with this Secret mission's lie thing? He made us believe his lie! (right, Turgut? who?)
Turgut: Anyways, it all happened now and we have to look ahead minister, what we're going to do now is what counts.
Kerime: Feride will be shocked when she finds out this, think about it, the man she loves is nothing but a shoe maker while I didn't find a plain lawyer appropriate for my daughter, look what we have now! (Someone retain myself, I need to administer Kerime a Osmanli Tokadi!!!!! oh my GOD.)
MS: Call Ali, to prepare the car. I will go and find my daughter.
Turgut: Mr minister, don't argue with Feride. I will handle it, you are her father and I am her colleague. I am going to talk to her as a prosecutor, both of us were fooled, and I've been deceived as much as Feride was.
Kerime: Turgut, are you aware of what's going happen to Feride when you tell her this?! Me and her dad must be by her side.
Turgut: Your presence will complicate it more, plus I thought of how I am going to say this. And if you please, I would like to tell the truth to Feride myself, I want to show her. I will take Feride's to Mahir's house... we will visit Mahir Kara while he's with his family.
Kerime: No way, I won't let my daughter get hurt amongst those people!
MS: Kerime... don't interfere.
Feride made up her mind, packed and left! … Mahir woke up because of the door shutting noise only to discover that Feride left the house and left him a letter.
Mahir reading Feride’s letter:
I understood. There is no point to continue in this. I cannot stop the fight between my thoughts and heart! My heart wants to ignore all the obscurity, live the dream and just give our love a chance but I am notable to stop my thinking! I just cannot... if I do not leave this night, I know, I will never be able to leave, but I cannot stay… I cannot stay like this. I have so many questions and you chose to keep silent. My love! I am leaving but my soul is hurting. I chose to leave now than to walk in that dark road that I cannot see its end. While I am writing down my best wishes to you, all I want is to hold your hand. I just want you to know that you will always remain my only love!'
The next morning, Salih was waiting for Feride in front of the hotel:
F: Salih?
M: I was so worried about you Feride!
F: How did you find me here?
M: It was not that easy. This is the fifth hotel I came to looking for you. I became scared like crazy when I did not find you at home. I felt so bad. You took the air I breathe with you Feride! Especially after I read what you wrote in that letter… I never put my head down for anyone in my life. But for you to forgive me, I am ready to hug your feet. I would give up my honor for my love... Please don’t kill me, Please do not give up on our love Feride!
They hug.
F: I felt so bad when I left... I shouldn’t have left Salih! Do you remember when I told you that I would choose to die with you than to die without you? It is still the case. I shouldn’t have said what I said yesterday. Please forgive me... You’ve told me so many times and promised that the day will come and you will tell me everything. I promise I won’t give up on our love again. I promise I won’t leave like this again. I am glad you came!
M: I shouldn’t have come… I don’t have the right to hurt you… I tried so hard to hold myself back and not to come but I just couldn’t... I had to follow my heart! My love, however I try to escape I end up at your door!
F: Look at us acting like children in front of the hotel... Shall we go?
M: I can’t go like this to the courthouse. I will have to go home first…
F: Me too I forgot my luggage home yesterday, and I need to go change. Then I will go immediately to the courthouse, I have to see Husein Bey!
M: Tamam then we’ll meet at the courthouse!
F: Perfect!
And they kiss, and go.
Orhan told his mother that Bulent rented a new shop and he will be working and that Ilknur should not think of divorce and should give her husband a second chance. Safiye was trying to convince Ilknur with that when Mahir came home. Safiye asked Mahir about the letters if they were of any good use. Mahir told her not to worry and that Nihan Hanim did not mention about her relationship with Suleyman in any of the letters. Safiye asked him if he was the one who read the letters for that reason, Mahir replied that the letters mean nothing to him he has closed his heart on that woman a long time ago. The police come at home and ask to see Mahir. Mahir receives the court order to attend Nazif trial. The policeman told him that if he did not attend this time they will have to bring him by force!
Turgut was waiting for Feride in her office. He told her he wants to take her some place to show her something very important to the case! In the car Turgut is insisting that Feride should have come with him when she left her father’s house as he would have helped her solve that issue with her father and Feride was just rolling her eyes... Then Feride said two months ago maybe he would have been the first person she would come to for any problem but today she doesn't feel this way anymore (ahh, did this hurt your EGO, Turgut bey?) Turgut asked her what changed, and she said that she doesn't feel he is her friend anymore these days: he is always on the opposite side, always trying to prove her wrong and as if he is just waiting for her to commit her first mistake. Friends should support and help each other! She continues... Turgut changed his plan, he does not want to show her what he was planning to anymore! Feride asked him why he is going back and Turgut said he forgot about a very important case he needs to go back now!
Bahar went to Feride and gave her the Kostas key:
B: Feride I need to tell you something. You entrusted me and made me your friend and I feel that my duty is to tell you what is going in my head. I found this in Salih’s drawer. There is something suspicious about Salih he definitely has a secret, and I cannot understand why he has this key and why he is so interested in Nazif Kara. He is hiding something.
Feride told her that she knows he is hiding something and asked her not to ask further questions because she has no answer. Feride insisted that this need to remain a secret and nobody has to know about it!
Turgut told Mehmet that he was taking Feride to Mahir Kara’s house to show her by evidence that Salih is Mahir Kara then he changed his mind. That he did so because he did not want Mehmet-Feride relationship to get worse. He told him that Feride told Turgut that she feels her father became always on the opposite, always trying to prove her wrong and as if just waiting for her to commit her first mistake! (Why are you lying Turgut) Turgut took her to the Kara’s for the purpose to show her that Salih is Mahir, this will confirm her point and the father-daughter relationship will get worse… Turgut continued that all he cares about is to fix Mehmet's relationship with his daughter! And that he has another plan to blow Salih in front of Feride:
The plan: Mehmet should call Salih and Feride and invite them to dinner and tell them he forgave them. There he can force Salih into the corner and reveal his real identity. This way they will make him confess in front of Feride and everybody else that he is Mahir Kara. Feride will be so hurt because of this but she will be here among us. This way we can stand by her and support her and she will chose us over Mahir! Kerime does not seem to be very comfortable with this plan! (And the way Kerime objected to the plan was in the right place, but the way MS shut her up made me angry! What an a****le!)
At Feride’s office:
Feride: Mahir Kara’s testimony is very important. This was the reason for his real mother and father to meet again after all. Maybe Mahir Kara met Suleyman Bey the same day of the murder, or maybe he knows that his father killed Savci Suleyman and is just escaping court so that he doesn’t have to testify against his father… or maybe he is not attending the hearings because he has nothing to say in his father’s favour… Maybe he is the one who told his father about his mother’s relationship with Suleyman... Anyway his testimony became so crucial for this case. The hearing is in few days. We called him to attend and he should have received the court order! If he does not attend, we will bring him by force this time through police. He has to explain all these facts to the court!
H: these people live like beggers. He might have escaped to the other part of the city and we might never find him. Anyway if he did not attend he will be making the biggest mistake of his life and will be sending his father to death by his own hands!
Mahir couldn’t stand Husein anymore and left the office.
Kerime to Mehmet:
K: I am really shocked Mehmet! How could you agree on that... Inventing all this game on the account of my daughter’s happiness?
M: How many times do I have to warn you not to interfere in what is not of your business Kerime?
K: I am her mother, Mehmet Saim Bey! I’ll remind you if you forgot! Everything concerns my daughter concerns me!!
M: KERIME!!! .You do not want me to get angry do you? Exactly Mrs Kerime, your role is only to stand in the shadow. Don’t ever forget that! (Wow... pure psychological abuse.)
Mehmet Saim – Salihtelephone conversation:
M: Salih! How are you son?
S: I am fine how about you?
M: I’ll be better if we achieved an understanding!
Bahar ran to Feride and told that her father is on the line with Salih!
M: Listen son one day you will become a father and you will remember these days and you will remember me... It is not easy to be a father to a daughter. I know that you love each other... Fathers do not accept this news easily, do they? Bring your family and come ask for Feride’s hand as per our customs, and let Feride come back home. Let’s make your relationship official. I, like any other father, care only for my daughter’s happiness. However, your way was wrong, but I am giving up. I am okay with whatever Feride wants…
S: This is a big honour Sir… but I think it is a bit early to take this step…
M: What is this supposed to mean?
Feride comes into the room.
F: Is this dad?
Salih nods
M: You do not have the courage to stand in front of me like a real man and ask for my approval, do you? Do you really love my daughter? Are we going to announce your engagement or you are going to leave my daughter again?
S: We will come…
M: Great then! We are waiting for you for dinner. Have a good evening son!
S: You too!
F: Where are we going? Why did father call?
S: Your father forgave you... and me as well. He invited us for dinner and wants to make our relationship official…
F: And you accepted?
S: Yes!
Feride hugging him: You made me so happy! If this is a dream, please do not wake me up!
Very happy Feridecouldn’t believe what just happened … back to Feride’s office:
F: Name it fate; name it coincidence... It is what it is! I was passing by one of the shops the other day I saw this and couldn’t hold myself from buying it! Let it be a souvenir for this special day!
F: … aren’t you going to open it?
S: … that is very nice! Why you bothered yourself?
F: I wanted you to have something from me …
S: No one can ever take you out from my heart… I will hold it inside my heart till the very last day of my life…
F: You still did not open your gift… You’ve always said you want to offer me your whole life and future. I want to seal this wish with this gift, and here I am handing you all my future…
Umit bey interrupted, Mahir left.
Let's skip Ayten and Necdet scene, will we? :/
Bahar ran to Feride and handed her a note she said someone came without saying his name and said to hand this to Feride urgently. Feride opened the note:
‘Feride Hanim, this Mahir Kara. You wanted to meet me? I am waiting for you at the ‘Tea Park’. If we do not meet tonight we will never meet again…’
Feride ran asking for Salih, Umit Bey said he should be here otherwise he wouldn’t leave without saying so…
Turgut went looking for Feride and found her mother waiting for her:
T: What are you doing here Kerime Hanim? You cannot do that for me and Mr. Mehmet!
K: I am doing nothing. I just want to see my daughter.
T: If you do not leave now, I will be obliged to accept Mr. Saim’s offer …
K: And what is that?
T: Mr. Saim asked me to find a good lawyer for divorce...
When Feride came in and asked her mother what she is doing here, Kerime said that she thought to go together to buy a new dress for this special night!
Mahir went to see his father:
M: How are you dad?
N: I am fine but you do not look ok!
M: I went to Kader Altun... there were few missing letters… I just wanted to make sure this won’t cause a problem for the case, to make sure she did not mention her relationship with Suleyman... And that the letters won’t negatively affect the case…
N: Is she going to attend the hearing?
M: Yes. They will bring her by force even if she did not want to come… Father, they also want me to attend the next hearing. They need me to explain. If they did not open the old stories there was no need for me to attend. They want to ask me about what I know and if I am seeing Kader or not. Even if I did not attend they will bring me by force.
N: Mahir. Every road will come to an end one day... You did all what you could do.
M: I don’t know dad. Icannot see how this is going to end, but you are right I reached the end of the road.
N: Do not wait till the hearing Mahir! Go and explain everything to her now.
M: This is what I am intending to do anyway, but I wanted to ask your permission.
N: My permission? This is exactly what I want you to do! And this is what should be done! Mahir! If there is justice in this world, the truth will be proven at the end. Do not lose more time Mahir. Go and talk to her; with every minute you lose you will be losing on the hope of her forgiving you…
M: Every love story is ruled by its own law of justice, father. And I deserve to get the most severe punishment in my love story. Feride will throw me out of her heart…
Outside prison:
E: What happened Mahir?
M: It is over brother.
E: Let’s go somewhere to talk Mahir!
M: There is nothing to talk about Abi! There is no way back anyway even if I want to. I sent Feride a note to go meet Mahir Kara so that I become obliged to go and tell her… To prevent myself from hesitation. She is waiting for me!
E: What? What did you do? Do you think it is that easy? I am not only talking about Nazif Abi, but what about you? You did not think about yourself?
M: let what will happen, happen Abi. I am dying here, and I am dragging everybody with me.
E: But we could have thought of another solution or other options at least... We could have prepared ourselves.
M: There is nothing to think about Abi. We lost all our options by the minute I fell for Feride.
E: If you were not obliged to go to the hearing tomorrow I would have held you and tied you up to prevent you from going.
M: It is over Abi. Feride will know the full truth tonight! No one can stop me!
In the car Erdal kept trying to walk Mahir out of his decision and told him to be prepared that the penalty for pretending to be someone in a state organization is 4-10 years prison with hard work + falsifying an identity is 3-12 months prison + falsifying a governmental stamp is 1-5 years + using the power and benefits of a lawyer when not a lawyer is 1-3 years. If only for those, without mentioning other felonies, he will get at least 6 years of prison…
E: Can you see now why I am trying to hold you from telling her?
M: You are right. But when I go to testify at the hearing I’ll save my father… I don’t care if that meant for me to go to prison. I was doing all this to save him from the first place right? It is over I won’t hide behind Salih anymore. Anyway, I will get my biggest punishment tonight Abi. Everything remains meaningless after that…
Mahir went back to theoffice:
F: Where were you Salih? I was looking for you everywhere!
S: I had something to do…
F: Look Mahir Kara sent this, he wants to meet me or more precisely he is sending me an or/else message: to meet this night or never.
S: So you are going to meet him? You were saying that his testimony became crucial for the case…
F: How can I go Salih? Father is waiting for us or else he will think we are not interested… I don’t want him to get upset with me again…
S: What are you going to do?
F: This Mahir Kara found the right day for this! I swear this Mahir Kara will be a reason for my misery. What can I do? I have to go see him.
S: I will come with you…
F: NO!! It is not possible for both of us to be late for my father’s dinner! He might forgive me but he will not forgive you for that. You go to my parents’ house, I’ll go see this Mahir Kara and then I will follow you…
S: Are you sure? Aren’t you scared, to go alone? You said you do not trust him...
F: What harm can he do to me? I am the judge in his father’s case… besides, I know this type of men; he won’t talk if he saw you. He might think you are there to threaten him…
F: Salih? I’ll ask you a favour please. Be nice to my father ok?
S: I will, as you wish. I’ll go now.
F: OK! And I’ll go buy a new dress for tonight.
Mahir stepped to the door… stopped, and looked back.
F: Don’t say you changed your mind!
The Goodbye Kiss...
Mahir-Bahar on the stairs:
M: Bahar!
B: I was going to see you… I am so happy, as if it was for me. Euh... did I upset you? I was just kidding!
M: Bahar! Thank you for everything!
B: For what?
M: You take good care of yourself. Keep laughing as always.
B: You too. Let’s all keep laughing!
M: Take good care of this place.
Salih left. Turgut was talking to a colleague, and went to see Salih. He congratulated for tonight's dinner, and wished him good luck when he will meet MS for his approval of S/F relationship... He then told him to not make Feride unhappy.
Mahir went back home andwanted to talk with his mother alone:
S: I wanted to give you this the day of your engagement to Ayten.
M: You wanted to give it to me for Ayten or for the woman I love?
S: For the woman you love of course. I want to put it in the finger of my daughter in law myself! Your father bought it for me for our engagement…
M: I wish I can put it on the finger of the most beautiful girl in the world!
S: Is she that girl? The judge? Ahhh! My son... my handsome son... How is this going to happen?
M: If our relationship was a normal one without all these obstacles I would have stood in front of her and asked her to marry me.
S: And now?
M: I will still stand in front of her and ask her to marry me… she will then discover that all what she believed in was a lie! That the man she loved is a lie, but my only wish remains that she believes my deep love.
S: What a fate my son…
M: Please don’t cry mother! I am barely holding myself from bursting into tears. My soul is burning.
S: Son, you definitely thought thoroughly about what you are going to do? What if the judge got so upset with you and got all her anger on your father?
M: Mother I have no other choice. I have to attend father’s next hearing as Mahir Kara. She will know then anyway. I want her to know from me while she is looking into my eyes. I cannot hide and be afraid. Feride is a very rational judge; she won’t allow her emotions to interfere in her judgement in my father’s case. Rest assured!
S: It was very clear in her eyes. She is a very honest woman looking for the truth. I saw that when she came here. Insallah, all good will come out from all of this… She will believe your pure and honest heart…
M: Insallah.
Mahir and Feride … the TRUTH:
F: Salih! I cannot believe it! What are you doing here?
M: You look very beautiful!
F: Why you did not go to my parents’ house? Don’t tell me you are here to protect me from Mahir Kara! At this moment the man that we should be scared from the most is my father, not Mahir Kara! You’re still not late please go and talk to dad!
M: I came to talk to you…
F: You are going to run away aren’t you? You do not want to meet my father!
M: No more running awayFeride! I am here exactly for that reason! I came here to tell you all the truth about myself, to tell you who I am.
F: This is not the right place or right time Salih! My parents are waiting at home and the son of the defendant is about to arrive. I am so happy you want to talk about this but this is not possible now!
M: Please Feride sit! There will be no other time.
F: Even if we start talking, Mahir Kara will come and interrupt us…
M: No he won’t…
F: How did you know, you met him?
M: Feride! Please sit!
F: Salih what is happening? You are scaring me …
M: This is my mother’s ring. She used to say “if you really love a woman one day, I will put it on her finger. It gave happiness to your dad and I. Let it’s magic go to your love”
F: Salih are you...
M: My Feride! I beg you listen to me until the very end. Your voice give me hopes it shatters the darkness inside my soul. It makes me believe in the beauty of my dreams, in that they are much prettier than my reality. It makes me want to hold on to those bright dreams… if you speak I cannot continue… I’ll be wanting to only live in stories and fairy tales. Please just listen, alright? I never saw such beautiful Gazelle-like eyes in my life. Because of you I lived such a beautiful feeling for the first time in my life! Please believe me, it was not my intention to fall in love; it was pure fate. You bumped into my life where I least expected, and while I was looking for justice I fell in love.
F: Salih! my heart is about to stop beating... Where are you heading with all this?
M: Feride! You are the only woman with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. If I was to become a father and have children, my only wish is that you are their mother, and when I am dying my only wish is to have you beside me holding my hand!
F: I wish the same Salih! I wish the same... This is my only wish in this life! I am praying that destiny will make us belong to each other, and if you were waiting for an answer so yes, yes I want to build my family with you Salih!
M: My love! I beg you to only listen, only listen please! If this will remain your answer after you know all about my name, my family and my reasons, I will throw all my future, my life under your feet. Hakime Hanim! I came to the courthouse for one specific reason: when I entered your life it was never my intention to love you or live such a beautiful dream. I tried to escape my feelings and to chain my heart so many times… but I failed; I couldn’t control my heart! My only purpose was to convince you, to find the truth and find the real killer of Savci Suleyman…
F: I know, that was your mission.
M: No it was not! I am not on a secret mission and I do not belong to any agency.
F: Who are you then? I guess you are not even a lawyer, so what are you doing in the court then? Who are you?
M: I came to the courthouse for the man I trusted the most in this life! I came to save the man I owe him my life! I came to save my father from being hanged for a crime he did not commit! I don’t know if it will be enough to ask you forgiveness, but I deserve to die for what I did.
F: Shhh. Shut it. Don’t you dare, don’t you dare...
M: I kept silent for days Feride! But the truth won’t change. Feride... Feride! I AM MAHIR KARA!
Mahir comes home with the flowers, Feride opens the door:
Mahir: This was the last bouquet, I know it's not as beautiful as you are, but I hope you will forgive me. Feride whatever you say, you're right, I am very late and made you wait for so long. Feride... Sweetie what did you cook for us?
Mahir: You are angry, I know. And you're right. Look at you, you haven't eaten anything, come on let's eat together.
Feride: No, I am not hungry.
Mahir: Burek (pastry) is so delicious, when did you prepare it? Oh your cooking is very good, hakime hanim.
Feride: I didn't make it, Aunt Atiye made them.
Mahir: Really? Ehh... And what did Aunt Atiye want?
Feride: Nothing, we just talked.
Mahir: Regarding what? What did she say?
Feride: What kind of question is this Salih, interrogation? Have I done something wrong? Shouldn't I have opened the door for the woman? Plus I don't know if I shouldn't tell anyone that I am here!
Mahir: No, that's not what I wanted to say.
Feride: So, what did you want to say?? You got annoyed when I said that I met the woman and talked to her! Accept it, we've already known each other by now! I am truly hurt Salih! ِI am angry because is it me you want to hide or your life from? What is it Salih?
Orhan-Necdet washing hands after burying a corpse:
Necdet: Where did you serve your military? It's clear, this is not the first time, one who touches a corpse for a first time becomes just like it... It's hard to touch cold flesh and look at the eyes.
Orhan: No... it's the first time.
Mahir-Feride fight continues...
Feride: Are you hiding the truth from me, or lying to me? I want to know! There's nothing real about you and, I know that already... isn't that right?
Mahir: Feride, listen to me, please...
Feride: Shut up... don't talk. If you're going to lie to me again, I don't want to hear it! Each lie you tell me, you tear my heart apart even more. I already know thateverything I know about you is not real! I came to this neighbourhood alone, at one time... Did you know that? I asked everyone about you, and no one knows you! OK, I know you're in a secret mission and that could be the reason, and maybe you're lying to a lot of people like this in your life and maybe no one knows your real name except your family, and maybe all these secrets and your identity can not be revealed but I know about your mission, and why you came to the court. You would be right to keep it hidden if I didn't know! But I already DO, plus I am a judge Salih. Someone who walks with you on the same road! All I want is for guilty ones to be punished, and for justice to prevail! Can't you realize that I can hide all your secrets? What would happen if you tell me your real name? Huh? What would happen? Would the world stand still? The sky would fall down? What would happen? It's just a simple name! Or even if I could get to know anyone from your family... Just one of them! Or see from a distance. What would happen if I could hear your true story? Even some little part? I can't get how can I be of any harm to your mission? You're always telling me: Feride, don't ask me about anything!! Feride, I don't want to lie to you - THEN Don't! Why are you lying to me? Don't you know that I can keep your secrets? I would give up my life before I would tell anyone even your name.
MAHIR: Feride please trust me...
FERIDE: I trust you, I even trust you very much. I trust you so much to the extent that I left my past and my family behind me, I trust you so much that I forget myself, and my career, but you are the one who doesn't trust me! You don't trust me! And this is hurting me so much... I am sharing all my secrets, losing myself to you, but sometimes being lost in love is not enough... It's not enough to see the love you have for me in your eyes. I want to be in your life and I want you to be in mine but you don't want that... *PAUSE* Hah, you don't have a single sentence to say to me!
And Feride goes upstairs.
Turgut at the police station:
Turgut: All these crimes take place because of the ignorance.
Officer: What is the accident, prosecutor?
Turgut: They are working at this Transport agency, and had a fight over a woman, then went to the yard to fight but the other party was armed, and 5 were killed, 2 of them were caught from both sides and they are the only ones left alive... They confessed their crime.
Officer: And when will their special documents arrive at the work place?
Turgut: I asked for them all, but one of them is Bulgarian or something, and came to visit one of them... He's very young.
Officer: Poor boy!
Turgut: This is so distressing for me this late. Anyway, I will go now, and will have a detailed interrogation tomorrow at the court.
Officer: OK
Turgut: Has any other accident happened tonight officer? Was anyone from the court killed ?
Officer: No sir! Who told you that?
Turgut: It's okay, it seems like am not remembering well. Anyway, I am so tired. Have a nice shift.
Officer: Good night.
Turgut: Do not say a word Necdet! Get out!
Necdet: I didn't come to explain brother...
Turgut: If you came to apologize because of failing your job, shut up!
Necdet: And you will keep going and not knowing who Salih is!
Turgut: Did you lose your mind? Of course I know he's not Salih, am I an idiot?! You finish the job that I gave to you.
Necdet: Who's Salih?!
Turgut: It doesn't matter Necdet, keep that in your thick mind, it's not important who he is!
Necdet: No, it is important, and you don't know.
Turgut: Allah Allah... Come on, Necdet speak up. Who is he??
Necdet: Salih Ipek laughed at us and fooled us all. There's a shoe maker hiding in these clothes, prosecutor! The point is Salih Ipek is Mahir Kara himself!
Turgut's reaction is so enjoyable!
Orhan comes home, Safiye opens the door:
S: Are you okay, son?
O: I am fine, mother.
S: Come, get in... Son, what happened? Come and sit down.
O: I am really fine, I walked a little and got tired.
S: Oh sweetie, you're not totally recovered yet. But if you're saying you're fine, go to the store Orhan. Azmi is all alone and searching for someone to help in the store, and we don't know who would be good candidate. Your brother can't do everything, he ripped himself apart for us and for your father, and if you could just do some effort like your brother.
O: It's hard mom... so hard...
S: It's not son, everything will work out if you could show some effort.
O: It's very hard to be like my brother.
Turgut going crazy... Drinking uncontrollably from a bottle of Whiskey... and swearing a lot! (as for me, I bursted out into laughter)
Turgut: How Mahir Kara dared to fool all of us? He came into the courthouse. He was SO prepared that he played the role of a law graduate so well!
No one suspected he is not a lawyer not even me! If it was not for him, Nazif Kara’s case would have been closed so long ago! This man is SO clever he fooled us all. He was able to convince Feride. He blew our plan so cleverly that there is no one gap in what he did! AHHHHH he made a fool out of me! This is the first time someone outsmarts me. (No Turgut, you just had luck so far in putting your plans into effect! Mahir is the clever one MUAHAHA).
Turgut: I can't believe it Necdet! And I thought he was some secret agent from the internal affairs! But I was the one hunted Necdet, for the first time in my life, I was entrapped!
Necdet: What's done, it's done... let's see what will we do?
Turgut: This man is so dangerous!
Necdet: He's very daring. That's why he's jumping above everything. He's relying on his hand's power!
Turgut: Look Necdet, this man is so smart! He made this play, nobody said he didn't study law or that he wasn't a lawyer. He deceived us all, and he's so brave that he can burn and throw himself to danger, facing all troubles. This man is so dangerous, so brave that he even throws himself to death without hesitation and never gives up. This man is set on trying to save his father. Very dangerous... very!
Mahir-Feride....Feride writes a letter:
Mahir: Feride will you open up?
Feride: Yes
Mahir: Do you need anything? Good night Feride!
Feride's letter:
I understood. There is no point to continue in this. I cannot stop the fight between my thoughts and heart! My heart wants to ignore all the obscurity, live the dream and just give our love a chance but I am not able to stop my thinking! I just cannot. Salih, I understand you, now no longer does it make sense to force each other. I can not be left the way you want it. I have many questions but you choose silence. This can't be continued. I am hurting very much from all this. You always be my love know it."
Turgut visits Mehmet Saim and Kerime:
MS: Welcome Turgut.
Turgut: Good evening, excuse me for disturbing you.
MS: It's okay, you came for something regarding Feride... Is it over? Is this man out of Feride's life?
Turgut: Not yet, but I have something very important to tell you.
MS: What is it?
Turgut: Salih ipek is not who we think he is...
MS : Then whose man he is?
Turgut: No one's, he's the shoe maker Mahir Kara, Nazif's son, the accused of murdering the general attorney.
MS : What are you saying Turgut?
Turgut: He managed to get involved in his father's case.
Kerime: How did he manage to do that? Is it so easy to get into the court like this? Where did he find all these papers and certificate?
Turgut: He took some dead student's place, I don't know how did he get the certificates and organized the papers for himself! Most probably he's getting help from the inside, I will look in this matter.
MS: Haven't you been suspicious about it? Didn't Feride doubt him? How can a shoe maker made you believe he's a lawyer? Were you studying 4 years at law school in vain?
Turgut: I was asking myself the same question for hours, Bakan Bey! But the man is smart, he did everything right. I doubted him before, and when I looked into his papers, I thought I found all the answers for Feride's and my questions.
MS: And who came up with this Secret mission's lie thing? He made us believe his lie! (right, Turgut? who?)
Turgut: Anyways, it all happened now and we have to look ahead minister, what we're going to do now is what counts.
Kerime: Feride will be shocked when she finds out this, think about it, the man she loves is nothing but a shoe maker while I didn't find a plain lawyer appropriate for my daughter, look what we have now! (Someone retain myself, I need to administer Kerime a Osmanli Tokadi!!!!! oh my GOD.)
MS: Call Ali, to prepare the car. I will go and find my daughter.
Turgut: Mr minister, don't argue with Feride. I will handle it, you are her father and I am her colleague. I am going to talk to her as a prosecutor, both of us were fooled, and I've been deceived as much as Feride was.
Kerime: Turgut, are you aware of what's going happen to Feride when you tell her this?! Me and her dad must be by her side.
Turgut: Your presence will complicate it more, plus I thought of how I am going to say this. And if you please, I would like to tell the truth to Feride myself, I want to show her. I will take Feride's to Mahir's house... we will visit Mahir Kara while he's with his family.
Kerime: No way, I won't let my daughter get hurt amongst those people!
MS: Kerime... don't interfere.
Feride made up her mind, packed and left! … Mahir woke up because of the door shutting noise only to discover that Feride left the house and left him a letter.
Mahir reading Feride’s letter:
I understood. There is no point to continue in this. I cannot stop the fight between my thoughts and heart! My heart wants to ignore all the obscurity, live the dream and just give our love a chance but I am notable to stop my thinking! I just cannot... if I do not leave this night, I know, I will never be able to leave, but I cannot stay… I cannot stay like this. I have so many questions and you chose to keep silent. My love! I am leaving but my soul is hurting. I chose to leave now than to walk in that dark road that I cannot see its end. While I am writing down my best wishes to you, all I want is to hold your hand. I just want you to know that you will always remain my only love!'
The next morning, Salih was waiting for Feride in front of the hotel:
F: Salih?
M: I was so worried about you Feride!
F: How did you find me here?
M: It was not that easy. This is the fifth hotel I came to looking for you. I became scared like crazy when I did not find you at home. I felt so bad. You took the air I breathe with you Feride! Especially after I read what you wrote in that letter… I never put my head down for anyone in my life. But for you to forgive me, I am ready to hug your feet. I would give up my honor for my love... Please don’t kill me, Please do not give up on our love Feride!
They hug.
F: I felt so bad when I left... I shouldn’t have left Salih! Do you remember when I told you that I would choose to die with you than to die without you? It is still the case. I shouldn’t have said what I said yesterday. Please forgive me... You’ve told me so many times and promised that the day will come and you will tell me everything. I promise I won’t give up on our love again. I promise I won’t leave like this again. I am glad you came!
M: I shouldn’t have come… I don’t have the right to hurt you… I tried so hard to hold myself back and not to come but I just couldn’t... I had to follow my heart! My love, however I try to escape I end up at your door!
F: Look at us acting like children in front of the hotel... Shall we go?
M: I can’t go like this to the courthouse. I will have to go home first…
F: Me too I forgot my luggage home yesterday, and I need to go change. Then I will go immediately to the courthouse, I have to see Husein Bey!
M: Tamam then we’ll meet at the courthouse!
F: Perfect!
And they kiss, and go.
Orhan told his mother that Bulent rented a new shop and he will be working and that Ilknur should not think of divorce and should give her husband a second chance. Safiye was trying to convince Ilknur with that when Mahir came home. Safiye asked Mahir about the letters if they were of any good use. Mahir told her not to worry and that Nihan Hanim did not mention about her relationship with Suleyman in any of the letters. Safiye asked him if he was the one who read the letters for that reason, Mahir replied that the letters mean nothing to him he has closed his heart on that woman a long time ago. The police come at home and ask to see Mahir. Mahir receives the court order to attend Nazif trial. The policeman told him that if he did not attend this time they will have to bring him by force!
Turgut was waiting for Feride in her office. He told her he wants to take her some place to show her something very important to the case! In the car Turgut is insisting that Feride should have come with him when she left her father’s house as he would have helped her solve that issue with her father and Feride was just rolling her eyes... Then Feride said two months ago maybe he would have been the first person she would come to for any problem but today she doesn't feel this way anymore (ahh, did this hurt your EGO, Turgut bey?) Turgut asked her what changed, and she said that she doesn't feel he is her friend anymore these days: he is always on the opposite side, always trying to prove her wrong and as if he is just waiting for her to commit her first mistake. Friends should support and help each other! She continues... Turgut changed his plan, he does not want to show her what he was planning to anymore! Feride asked him why he is going back and Turgut said he forgot about a very important case he needs to go back now!
Bahar went to Feride and gave her the Kostas key:
B: Feride I need to tell you something. You entrusted me and made me your friend and I feel that my duty is to tell you what is going in my head. I found this in Salih’s drawer. There is something suspicious about Salih he definitely has a secret, and I cannot understand why he has this key and why he is so interested in Nazif Kara. He is hiding something.
Feride told her that she knows he is hiding something and asked her not to ask further questions because she has no answer. Feride insisted that this need to remain a secret and nobody has to know about it!
Turgut told Mehmet that he was taking Feride to Mahir Kara’s house to show her by evidence that Salih is Mahir Kara then he changed his mind. That he did so because he did not want Mehmet-Feride relationship to get worse. He told him that Feride told Turgut that she feels her father became always on the opposite, always trying to prove her wrong and as if just waiting for her to commit her first mistake! (Why are you lying Turgut) Turgut took her to the Kara’s for the purpose to show her that Salih is Mahir, this will confirm her point and the father-daughter relationship will get worse… Turgut continued that all he cares about is to fix Mehmet's relationship with his daughter! And that he has another plan to blow Salih in front of Feride:
The plan: Mehmet should call Salih and Feride and invite them to dinner and tell them he forgave them. There he can force Salih into the corner and reveal his real identity. This way they will make him confess in front of Feride and everybody else that he is Mahir Kara. Feride will be so hurt because of this but she will be here among us. This way we can stand by her and support her and she will chose us over Mahir! Kerime does not seem to be very comfortable with this plan! (And the way Kerime objected to the plan was in the right place, but the way MS shut her up made me angry! What an a****le!)
At Feride’s office:
Feride: Mahir Kara’s testimony is very important. This was the reason for his real mother and father to meet again after all. Maybe Mahir Kara met Suleyman Bey the same day of the murder, or maybe he knows that his father killed Savci Suleyman and is just escaping court so that he doesn’t have to testify against his father… or maybe he is not attending the hearings because he has nothing to say in his father’s favour… Maybe he is the one who told his father about his mother’s relationship with Suleyman... Anyway his testimony became so crucial for this case. The hearing is in few days. We called him to attend and he should have received the court order! If he does not attend, we will bring him by force this time through police. He has to explain all these facts to the court!
H: these people live like beggers. He might have escaped to the other part of the city and we might never find him. Anyway if he did not attend he will be making the biggest mistake of his life and will be sending his father to death by his own hands!
Mahir couldn’t stand Husein anymore and left the office.
Kerime to Mehmet:
K: I am really shocked Mehmet! How could you agree on that... Inventing all this game on the account of my daughter’s happiness?
M: How many times do I have to warn you not to interfere in what is not of your business Kerime?
K: I am her mother, Mehmet Saim Bey! I’ll remind you if you forgot! Everything concerns my daughter concerns me!!
M: KERIME!!! .You do not want me to get angry do you? Exactly Mrs Kerime, your role is only to stand in the shadow. Don’t ever forget that! (Wow... pure psychological abuse.)
Mehmet Saim – Salihtelephone conversation:
M: Salih! How are you son?
S: I am fine how about you?
M: I’ll be better if we achieved an understanding!
Bahar ran to Feride and told that her father is on the line with Salih!
M: Listen son one day you will become a father and you will remember these days and you will remember me... It is not easy to be a father to a daughter. I know that you love each other... Fathers do not accept this news easily, do they? Bring your family and come ask for Feride’s hand as per our customs, and let Feride come back home. Let’s make your relationship official. I, like any other father, care only for my daughter’s happiness. However, your way was wrong, but I am giving up. I am okay with whatever Feride wants…
S: This is a big honour Sir… but I think it is a bit early to take this step…
M: What is this supposed to mean?
Feride comes into the room.
F: Is this dad?
Salih nods
M: You do not have the courage to stand in front of me like a real man and ask for my approval, do you? Do you really love my daughter? Are we going to announce your engagement or you are going to leave my daughter again?
S: We will come…
M: Great then! We are waiting for you for dinner. Have a good evening son!
S: You too!
F: Where are we going? Why did father call?
S: Your father forgave you... and me as well. He invited us for dinner and wants to make our relationship official…
F: And you accepted?
S: Yes!
Feride hugging him: You made me so happy! If this is a dream, please do not wake me up!
Very happy Feridecouldn’t believe what just happened … back to Feride’s office:
F: Name it fate; name it coincidence... It is what it is! I was passing by one of the shops the other day I saw this and couldn’t hold myself from buying it! Let it be a souvenir for this special day!
F: … aren’t you going to open it?
S: … that is very nice! Why you bothered yourself?
F: I wanted you to have something from me …
S: No one can ever take you out from my heart… I will hold it inside my heart till the very last day of my life…
F: You still did not open your gift… You’ve always said you want to offer me your whole life and future. I want to seal this wish with this gift, and here I am handing you all my future…
Umit bey interrupted, Mahir left.
Let's skip Ayten and Necdet scene, will we? :/
Bahar ran to Feride and handed her a note she said someone came without saying his name and said to hand this to Feride urgently. Feride opened the note:
‘Feride Hanim, this Mahir Kara. You wanted to meet me? I am waiting for you at the ‘Tea Park’. If we do not meet tonight we will never meet again…’
Feride ran asking for Salih, Umit Bey said he should be here otherwise he wouldn’t leave without saying so…
Turgut went looking for Feride and found her mother waiting for her:
T: What are you doing here Kerime Hanim? You cannot do that for me and Mr. Mehmet!
K: I am doing nothing. I just want to see my daughter.
T: If you do not leave now, I will be obliged to accept Mr. Saim’s offer …
K: And what is that?
T: Mr. Saim asked me to find a good lawyer for divorce...
When Feride came in and asked her mother what she is doing here, Kerime said that she thought to go together to buy a new dress for this special night!
Mahir went to see his father:
M: How are you dad?
N: I am fine but you do not look ok!
M: I went to Kader Altun... there were few missing letters… I just wanted to make sure this won’t cause a problem for the case, to make sure she did not mention her relationship with Suleyman... And that the letters won’t negatively affect the case…
N: Is she going to attend the hearing?
M: Yes. They will bring her by force even if she did not want to come… Father, they also want me to attend the next hearing. They need me to explain. If they did not open the old stories there was no need for me to attend. They want to ask me about what I know and if I am seeing Kader or not. Even if I did not attend they will bring me by force.
N: Mahir. Every road will come to an end one day... You did all what you could do.
M: I don’t know dad. Icannot see how this is going to end, but you are right I reached the end of the road.
N: Do not wait till the hearing Mahir! Go and explain everything to her now.
M: This is what I am intending to do anyway, but I wanted to ask your permission.
N: My permission? This is exactly what I want you to do! And this is what should be done! Mahir! If there is justice in this world, the truth will be proven at the end. Do not lose more time Mahir. Go and talk to her; with every minute you lose you will be losing on the hope of her forgiving you…
M: Every love story is ruled by its own law of justice, father. And I deserve to get the most severe punishment in my love story. Feride will throw me out of her heart…
Outside prison:
E: What happened Mahir?
M: It is over brother.
E: Let’s go somewhere to talk Mahir!
M: There is nothing to talk about Abi! There is no way back anyway even if I want to. I sent Feride a note to go meet Mahir Kara so that I become obliged to go and tell her… To prevent myself from hesitation. She is waiting for me!
E: What? What did you do? Do you think it is that easy? I am not only talking about Nazif Abi, but what about you? You did not think about yourself?
M: let what will happen, happen Abi. I am dying here, and I am dragging everybody with me.
E: But we could have thought of another solution or other options at least... We could have prepared ourselves.
M: There is nothing to think about Abi. We lost all our options by the minute I fell for Feride.
E: If you were not obliged to go to the hearing tomorrow I would have held you and tied you up to prevent you from going.
M: It is over Abi. Feride will know the full truth tonight! No one can stop me!
In the car Erdal kept trying to walk Mahir out of his decision and told him to be prepared that the penalty for pretending to be someone in a state organization is 4-10 years prison with hard work + falsifying an identity is 3-12 months prison + falsifying a governmental stamp is 1-5 years + using the power and benefits of a lawyer when not a lawyer is 1-3 years. If only for those, without mentioning other felonies, he will get at least 6 years of prison…
E: Can you see now why I am trying to hold you from telling her?
M: You are right. But when I go to testify at the hearing I’ll save my father… I don’t care if that meant for me to go to prison. I was doing all this to save him from the first place right? It is over I won’t hide behind Salih anymore. Anyway, I will get my biggest punishment tonight Abi. Everything remains meaningless after that…
Mahir went back to theoffice:
F: Where were you Salih? I was looking for you everywhere!
S: I had something to do…
F: Look Mahir Kara sent this, he wants to meet me or more precisely he is sending me an or/else message: to meet this night or never.
S: So you are going to meet him? You were saying that his testimony became crucial for the case…
F: How can I go Salih? Father is waiting for us or else he will think we are not interested… I don’t want him to get upset with me again…
S: What are you going to do?
F: This Mahir Kara found the right day for this! I swear this Mahir Kara will be a reason for my misery. What can I do? I have to go see him.
S: I will come with you…
F: NO!! It is not possible for both of us to be late for my father’s dinner! He might forgive me but he will not forgive you for that. You go to my parents’ house, I’ll go see this Mahir Kara and then I will follow you…
S: Are you sure? Aren’t you scared, to go alone? You said you do not trust him...
F: What harm can he do to me? I am the judge in his father’s case… besides, I know this type of men; he won’t talk if he saw you. He might think you are there to threaten him…
F: Salih? I’ll ask you a favour please. Be nice to my father ok?
S: I will, as you wish. I’ll go now.
F: OK! And I’ll go buy a new dress for tonight.
Mahir stepped to the door… stopped, and looked back.
F: Don’t say you changed your mind!
The Goodbye Kiss...
Mahir-Bahar on the stairs:
M: Bahar!
B: I was going to see you… I am so happy, as if it was for me. Euh... did I upset you? I was just kidding!
M: Bahar! Thank you for everything!
B: For what?
M: You take good care of yourself. Keep laughing as always.
B: You too. Let’s all keep laughing!
M: Take good care of this place.
Salih left. Turgut was talking to a colleague, and went to see Salih. He congratulated for tonight's dinner, and wished him good luck when he will meet MS for his approval of S/F relationship... He then told him to not make Feride unhappy.
Mahir went back home andwanted to talk with his mother alone:
S: I wanted to give you this the day of your engagement to Ayten.
M: You wanted to give it to me for Ayten or for the woman I love?
S: For the woman you love of course. I want to put it in the finger of my daughter in law myself! Your father bought it for me for our engagement…
M: I wish I can put it on the finger of the most beautiful girl in the world!
S: Is she that girl? The judge? Ahhh! My son... my handsome son... How is this going to happen?
M: If our relationship was a normal one without all these obstacles I would have stood in front of her and asked her to marry me.
S: And now?
M: I will still stand in front of her and ask her to marry me… she will then discover that all what she believed in was a lie! That the man she loved is a lie, but my only wish remains that she believes my deep love.
S: What a fate my son…
M: Please don’t cry mother! I am barely holding myself from bursting into tears. My soul is burning.
S: Son, you definitely thought thoroughly about what you are going to do? What if the judge got so upset with you and got all her anger on your father?
M: Mother I have no other choice. I have to attend father’s next hearing as Mahir Kara. She will know then anyway. I want her to know from me while she is looking into my eyes. I cannot hide and be afraid. Feride is a very rational judge; she won’t allow her emotions to interfere in her judgement in my father’s case. Rest assured!
S: It was very clear in her eyes. She is a very honest woman looking for the truth. I saw that when she came here. Insallah, all good will come out from all of this… She will believe your pure and honest heart…
M: Insallah.
Mahir and Feride … the TRUTH:
F: Salih! I cannot believe it! What are you doing here?
M: You look very beautiful!
F: Why you did not go to my parents’ house? Don’t tell me you are here to protect me from Mahir Kara! At this moment the man that we should be scared from the most is my father, not Mahir Kara! You’re still not late please go and talk to dad!
M: I came to talk to you…
F: You are going to run away aren’t you? You do not want to meet my father!
M: No more running awayFeride! I am here exactly for that reason! I came here to tell you all the truth about myself, to tell you who I am.
F: This is not the right place or right time Salih! My parents are waiting at home and the son of the defendant is about to arrive. I am so happy you want to talk about this but this is not possible now!
M: Please Feride sit! There will be no other time.
F: Even if we start talking, Mahir Kara will come and interrupt us…
M: No he won’t…
F: How did you know, you met him?
M: Feride! Please sit!
F: Salih what is happening? You are scaring me …
M: This is my mother’s ring. She used to say “if you really love a woman one day, I will put it on her finger. It gave happiness to your dad and I. Let it’s magic go to your love”
F: Salih are you...
M: My Feride! I beg you listen to me until the very end. Your voice give me hopes it shatters the darkness inside my soul. It makes me believe in the beauty of my dreams, in that they are much prettier than my reality. It makes me want to hold on to those bright dreams… if you speak I cannot continue… I’ll be wanting to only live in stories and fairy tales. Please just listen, alright? I never saw such beautiful Gazelle-like eyes in my life. Because of you I lived such a beautiful feeling for the first time in my life! Please believe me, it was not my intention to fall in love; it was pure fate. You bumped into my life where I least expected, and while I was looking for justice I fell in love.
F: Salih! my heart is about to stop beating... Where are you heading with all this?
M: Feride! You are the only woman with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. If I was to become a father and have children, my only wish is that you are their mother, and when I am dying my only wish is to have you beside me holding my hand!
F: I wish the same Salih! I wish the same... This is my only wish in this life! I am praying that destiny will make us belong to each other, and if you were waiting for an answer so yes, yes I want to build my family with you Salih!
M: My love! I beg you to only listen, only listen please! If this will remain your answer after you know all about my name, my family and my reasons, I will throw all my future, my life under your feet. Hakime Hanim! I came to the courthouse for one specific reason: when I entered your life it was never my intention to love you or live such a beautiful dream. I tried to escape my feelings and to chain my heart so many times… but I failed; I couldn’t control my heart! My only purpose was to convince you, to find the truth and find the real killer of Savci Suleyman…
F: I know, that was your mission.
M: No it was not! I am not on a secret mission and I do not belong to any agency.
F: Who are you then? I guess you are not even a lawyer, so what are you doing in the court then? Who are you?
M: I came to the courthouse for the man I trusted the most in this life! I came to save the man I owe him my life! I came to save my father from being hanged for a crime he did not commit! I don’t know if it will be enough to ask you forgiveness, but I deserve to die for what I did.
F: Shhh. Shut it. Don’t you dare, don’t you dare...
M: I kept silent for days Feride! But the truth won’t change. Feride... Feride! I AM MAHIR KARA!
Apr 22, 2013
Karadayı 28.Bölüm translated part ONE
Hello, here is the first part of the episode 28 translated:
Part 1 - Part 2 to be posted here tomorrow.
The episode starts with Necdet speechless, and Mahir confused:
N: Hey you, look here!
N: S***
M: What are you doing here? Necdet, what do you want from me? Necdeeeeet...
Orhan walks in Nihan's house looking for her and scaring Mahperi:
O: Where is that woman?
M: Sir, who are you, what are you looking for, my mother isn't here!
O: Tell your mother if she gets my father in trouble... if she talks about this relationship...
M: What does this mean, which father, who are you?
O: I am Nazif Kara's son, Orhan Kara. It seems like my brother's mom has a child, my brother's sister huh...
M: What are you saying, which brother?
O: I see she hasn't told you, your mother is Nazif Kara's ex wife and my brother's mother.
M: You are lying, that is impossible!
O: Ask your mother, then. Listen, if she has any motherly feelings in her heart, tell her not to open her mouth at court, so she doesn't hurt her son.
Nihan (Kader) in jail:
N: Why are you here?
K: You dare to ask? You stole my brother from me, killed Suleyman, and hid my Mahir from me, tell the truth! Tell the truth before you die!
N: Kader! Why don't you explain? What truth?! What explanations?!
Necdet goes back to the courtroom to double check if that was Salih Ipek:
Necdet: Brother, is the man you showed me Salih Ipek?
Man: Yes it is.
N: The tall, dark one, with mustache, and about 2 meters tall?
Man: Him exactly.
N: Is Turgut Akin, savci bey still inside or has he left?
Man: He is inside. He didn't leave yet. What's up?
N: Nothing, I need to talk to him.
Little Nazif is impatient about seeing his grandpa, and the family is afraid they wont let them see Nazif Kara
S: I wonder if the visiting hours ended...
I: It can't be otherwise we would've been kicked out.
S: Wait I'll go ask...
Then Kader hanim faints from the encounter with Nazif.
Bahar is about to tell Feride something, then changes her mind when Turgut approaches..
T: Feride, I am thinking about you all the time, where are you staying? Are you comfortable?
F: I am very comfortable, and you look happy too, may God give the happiness for everyone!
T: Actually, I haven't been as happy as you think, I need to talk to you very much, I would be lucky if you give me your advice, for the sake of years of our friendship, would you go somewhere with me so we can sit and share our troubles? What do you say? I need a friend really bad?
Necdet: So, this is his love, Feride hakime, the one he doesn't stop talking about... lets meet her and get to know her.
Yasin and Mahir talking about seeing a shipment and Mahir refusing the gun Yasin offers.
Y: Enter, Mahir, come in! I was preparing everything.
M: Is everything okay?
Y: Yeah ... here, your gun.
M: No my friend, keep it.
Y: Alright, let's go!
Safiye realizes who Kadar is:
S: Thank god, she woke up, no need for a doctor.
S: Oh stop, your tension is high. Relax a bit here. Are you ok?
Officer: Is this you, Kader Altun?
Safiye's reaction is worth a 1000 words...
...they go in to visit with Nazif:
Nazif: Grandson, I am free because of you.
Nazif junior: Grandpa, will you teach me to make shoes when you go out?
Nazif: Dear Ilknur, you made me feel the biggest joy in life: the love of a grandchild, may God bless you, and you Safiye? What happened?
Ilknur: A lady fainted outside, and we helped her, and then she left without thanking us. I wonder what is her problem...
M: Do you know Necdet?
Y: Necdet? The one who works for Dalyan? No, but if you want I can know.
M: Investigate him, I haven't seen anything on him, but I sense something bad.
Y: Your sense is right most of the times, we will look and will find out.
M: I would take him out if it wasn't for Dalyan Abi, he appears in front of me at odd times.
Y: Don't worry, I will look into it.
T: Ah Feride, nothing goes right in my life, I am very hesitant about Serra, the situation was forced on me by her and continued this way. Our souls aren't matched, and neither are our lifestyles. When I was trying to run away from the pain in my heart, and looking for the thread of hope, I got attached to her, but it is the biggest mistake of my life.
F: I am surprised, Serra looks very happy.
T: Forgive me Feride, but you women are like that, get attached to dreams of marriage and give in right away, your eyes close and you start flying right away, does he really love you? And what are his intentions? In reality, you don't know that. Love is like being drunk for a little while. (What does Turgut know about love? LOOOOL)
F: I don't believe that, every situation is different, just like every person is.
T: You don't know the person you love, in that time you see one side, afterwards you see another side to that person... ah Feride ah. You can't even imagine, what a person does to another person is worse that what a scorpion does to another scorpion. The accident of me entering the engagement will end before it started, I will throw away the rings very soon.
F: I am sorry for both of you.
T: Of course Serra will be very upset, she loves me a lot you know, but what can I do? Should I spend my life with a woman I don't love? And how are you, how is you relationship with your father now?
F: I don't want to talk about that now.
T: OK Feride dear, however you want, MAMAFIHHHHHH, don't forget this: if your soul burns (your heart breaks) mine will too. (he can only get romantic with a broom I suppose).
Safiye - Nazif:
So Ilknur gives Nazif Jr's drawing to her dad... and tells him that may God keeps him safe, he tells her "you too". Safiye stays:
Safiye: I gave Mahir the letters and he took them to court, hopefully it will help... Is that why she came? She felt sick after she visited you.
N: She believes I killed Suleyman.
S: What if she says something bad in court?
F: I'll see you at work.
T: Feride, I want to accompany you to your house, where are you staying?
F: There is no need for that.
T: Salih comes to that house? Is that why you don't want me to come?
F: Good bye Turgut.
T: I wanted to say, you can come and stay in my house... You can come now and I will have them prepare the house for you, you can stay as long as you want with me.
F: There is no need for that, thanks again. Good evening.
T: Ahh, you can come and stay with me until the morning, then we leave together to attend Salih's funeral... (what an idiot.)
Y: Yilan Berdan will come later to give me the money.
M: Will he drive the truck?
Y: No, he is careful, after he leaves we can follow them, but if they catch me this time, I wont make it, they will get rid of me, I wont be able to be an insider again.
M:If you succeed today, what will happen?
Y: Berdan will trust me, because the notebook incident is still fresh, he was suspicious, but after tonight, he will trust me,if he suspected me in the past, he will trust me now. The goal is the big operations. Yilan is coming those are his men, they come before him to check first.
The neighbor knocks on Feride's door and gives her sweets from a wedding, telling her to eat or she will be too thin, then goes on talking about "her son": "my son likes pastries, Ayten used to cook a lot for him, you need to know how to make these... Oh you got upset because I said Ayten..." She asked Feride for her name, and she tells her that Feride's names is beautiful. Feride thanks her for the pastries visibly upset that Atilla abla brought up Ayten's name lol...
Nihan: You must have been hungry because of me, if only I made something earlier. I will prepare the table now.
Mahperi: Mother! That man who killed my father is your ex-husband? Do I have a brother ?
N: Who told you this?
M: That man’s son came in, Orhan. Why did you kept it a secret? That man killed my father because of you? How long you did you plan to stay quiet mother?
N: I will explain everything, absolutely everything.
The illegal guns smuggling scene:
Yilan Bardan: Hello gentlemen!
Man: Hello brother Berdan abi.
YB: Is this the stuff?
Man: Yes.
YB: Very good, the goods are ready as well as the money, let’s make the exchange and everything is done here.
The men are speaking in Bulgarian...
YB: What did he say?
Man: Its been hard this time getting the goods in, we had big expenses. We need more money!
YB: What is that supposed to mean? We already agreed on the sum.
Man: Not possible brother, we are not making money here, who will make it up for us? We will not finish the exchange then.
YB: Are you playing games here with me? Are you? You will do as we agreed, take the money and give us the goods.
Yasin: It seems we are out of luck. The things are not going to happen now.
Man: We are not going to do it. You either give us more money, or we are finished here, trade is not going to happen!
YB: Are you trying to twist my arm? I will kill you both here and keep my money and your goods as well. Shut up!
POW POW POW scene... and a lot of swearing.
Mahir: So, Yilan's men killed the other gang members just like that?
Yasin: This is Yilan! Would he ever fall in any trap?
YB: Take them. Call over them there, so they are ready to take the wounded. I am going now. You have only 2 hours to make sure all the goods are inside the warehouse!
Other gang member: What should we do if the police are notified after hearing gun shots? They are surely on their way if someone made the call already.
YB: *a lot of swearing* My damn bad luck!
Yasin: Yilan got everything, the goods and the money as well...
Mahir: What should we do next?
Yasin: We will stay like this, we need to wait and follow them when they move the goods from here.
Turgut-Yilan Bardan on the phone:
T: Necdet, tell me you have good news?
YB: This is me, Yilan. We had problems with finalizing the sale. Someone heard the gun shots and notified the police. You need to fix things as there are 4 to 5 dead bodies.
T: You mess up things then call me and say run and fix things, brother!
YB: We are waiting for you Mr. prosecutor.
Turgut leaves, and Necdet calls him...
Ibo: The phone stopped ringing brother!
Necdet : Let us make the call then, Ibo. No one is answering.
I: You said Mahir, Necdet?
N: This Mahir is a tricky one Ibo. Playing the role of the lawyer to save his father from the hanging rope. If you look from a distance he is Salih, and if you take a closer look he is Mahir.
I: What are you saying? Huh?
Orhan: Did I come in the wrong time?
N: Orhan, you are one of us, come in.
O: Carry on then, so I know what's going on.
N: We are just chatting.
O: So I am not one of you after all. Seems it is hard to get inside.
N: Every secret is heavy to carry by a man Orhan. Are you sure you want to carry this burden?
O: I am sure of it my brother Necdet.
N: Ok then, let’s see.
Mahir: Why they are waiting?
Yasin: I don’t know, but something happened; they didn’t even move the goods.
Man: Lets move the goods.
YB: Shut up you idiot! We need to wait to the prosecutor first. What would we do if the police come across us? Should we hide the goods between our legs? Let the police get out of the way, then we quietly move the goods. I am going now. You need to do exactly what the prosecutor tells you and trick the police.
Yasin: What is going on here? Why the police are here? Things are ruined.
Mahir: There is something happening.
Man talking to the police: We are not armed, we came here after hearing the gun shots.
Police: We will investigate, not you!
Man: They killed our relative and we came here to check things out.
Mahir: Isn’t this prosecutor Turgut?
Yasin: Yes he is, they notify him if it is a big case.
Mahir: They managed to find him in the big city of Istanbul? And he is not even in duty.
Yasin: Come on abi, the goods are on the move... Come on, we need to go.
N: Be careful Orhan brother, the place is dark. This is the secret. The price has to be paid so Bulent can rent the shop.
Orhan: What will you do about this now?
N: We will finish this and your brother in law will take his shop. It is not a permanent solution, but at least he will not stay jobless.
O: What is the reason behind this kindness and the helping spirit?
N: My brother Orhan, Kara family is very valuable tp me and to Daylan.
O: We need to pay you back nevertheless.
N: No need brother, paying back is not necessary.
O: Let’s start then.
Mahir-Yasin stopping the guns truck:
Man 1: What is this now?
Man 2: I suppose they fell out of truck.
Man1: It could be a trap? Let’s move it.
Yasin and Mahir hiding behind trees, they attack the men.
Mahir: What should we do with them now?
Yasin: Let’s move them to the side, they will be conscious in 15 minutes.
Feride is impatiently waiting for Mahir; getting angrier by the minute. She starts looking in the drawers in Kosta's house. She came across a picture of Nazif with little Mahir but barely missed looking at it. She then tells herself: "what are you doing Feride? What are you doing?"
We see Orhan and Necdet burying that guy somewhere deep in woods...
Mahir and Yasin take the truck with guns to Yasin's boss...
Yasin tells him he couldn't do it without Mahir's help, and the boss thanks Mahir.
Boss: Bravo Yasin. You made me embarassed.
Y: Walla, Mahir helped me! I couldn't do it alone.
B: I already met your friend before.
M: I am sorry for the other day...
B: Thanks Mahir, I owe you a lot. You will own a part in this.
Y: Boss, the goods will stay here for the night, tomorrow we will share them.
M: If you don't need anything else, I am going, Yasin.
Y: Thanks brother.
Mahir gets home...
M: Maybe you will forgive me with these flowers. Whatever you're gonna say you're right, I made you wait long... Feride? Feride...
M: Ah how nice are the what you've prepared.You're angry I know, you are right.Look, you didn't eat so let's eat together.
F: No, I am not hungry.
M: Mmmm the pastries are good! I didn't know you were a good cook, Hakime hanim.
F: I didn't make them, the lady neighbour did.
M: Oh really... hm... eh, why did she come?
F: The neighbor came, we talked a little.
M: What did you tell her? What did she want?
F: Nothing. She just brought me food. I did wrong in opening the door to her? Are you hiding anything I should know then?
M: No... I didn't mean that.
F: What did you mean then? The woman just wanted to get to know me, that's it, accept it. I am really angry at you, Salih. Really angry.
Then we see Necdet and Orhan cleaning up their hands, useless conversation...
To be continued tomorrow.
Part 1 - Part 2 to be posted here tomorrow.
The episode starts with Necdet speechless, and Mahir confused:
N: Hey you, look here!
N: S***
M: What are you doing here? Necdet, what do you want from me? Necdeeeeet...
Orhan walks in Nihan's house looking for her and scaring Mahperi:
O: Where is that woman?
M: Sir, who are you, what are you looking for, my mother isn't here!
O: Tell your mother if she gets my father in trouble... if she talks about this relationship...
M: What does this mean, which father, who are you?
O: I am Nazif Kara's son, Orhan Kara. It seems like my brother's mom has a child, my brother's sister huh...
M: What are you saying, which brother?
O: I see she hasn't told you, your mother is Nazif Kara's ex wife and my brother's mother.
M: You are lying, that is impossible!
O: Ask your mother, then. Listen, if she has any motherly feelings in her heart, tell her not to open her mouth at court, so she doesn't hurt her son.
Nihan (Kader) in jail:
N: Why are you here?
K: You dare to ask? You stole my brother from me, killed Suleyman, and hid my Mahir from me, tell the truth! Tell the truth before you die!
N: Kader! Why don't you explain? What truth?! What explanations?!
Necdet goes back to the courtroom to double check if that was Salih Ipek:
Necdet: Brother, is the man you showed me Salih Ipek?
Man: Yes it is.
N: The tall, dark one, with mustache, and about 2 meters tall?
Man: Him exactly.
N: Is Turgut Akin, savci bey still inside or has he left?
Man: He is inside. He didn't leave yet. What's up?
N: Nothing, I need to talk to him.
Little Nazif is impatient about seeing his grandpa, and the family is afraid they wont let them see Nazif Kara
S: I wonder if the visiting hours ended...
I: It can't be otherwise we would've been kicked out.
S: Wait I'll go ask...
Then Kader hanim faints from the encounter with Nazif.
Bahar is about to tell Feride something, then changes her mind when Turgut approaches..
T: Feride, I am thinking about you all the time, where are you staying? Are you comfortable?
F: I am very comfortable, and you look happy too, may God give the happiness for everyone!
T: Actually, I haven't been as happy as you think, I need to talk to you very much, I would be lucky if you give me your advice, for the sake of years of our friendship, would you go somewhere with me so we can sit and share our troubles? What do you say? I need a friend really bad?
Necdet: So, this is his love, Feride hakime, the one he doesn't stop talking about... lets meet her and get to know her.
Yasin and Mahir talking about seeing a shipment and Mahir refusing the gun Yasin offers.
Y: Enter, Mahir, come in! I was preparing everything.
M: Is everything okay?
Y: Yeah ... here, your gun.
M: No my friend, keep it.
Y: Alright, let's go!
Safiye realizes who Kadar is:
S: Thank god, she woke up, no need for a doctor.
S: Oh stop, your tension is high. Relax a bit here. Are you ok?
Officer: Is this you, Kader Altun?
Safiye's reaction is worth a 1000 words...
...they go in to visit with Nazif:
Nazif: Grandson, I am free because of you.
Nazif junior: Grandpa, will you teach me to make shoes when you go out?
Nazif: Dear Ilknur, you made me feel the biggest joy in life: the love of a grandchild, may God bless you, and you Safiye? What happened?
Ilknur: A lady fainted outside, and we helped her, and then she left without thanking us. I wonder what is her problem...
M: Do you know Necdet?
Y: Necdet? The one who works for Dalyan? No, but if you want I can know.
M: Investigate him, I haven't seen anything on him, but I sense something bad.
Y: Your sense is right most of the times, we will look and will find out.
M: I would take him out if it wasn't for Dalyan Abi, he appears in front of me at odd times.
Y: Don't worry, I will look into it.
T: Ah Feride, nothing goes right in my life, I am very hesitant about Serra, the situation was forced on me by her and continued this way. Our souls aren't matched, and neither are our lifestyles. When I was trying to run away from the pain in my heart, and looking for the thread of hope, I got attached to her, but it is the biggest mistake of my life.
F: I am surprised, Serra looks very happy.
T: Forgive me Feride, but you women are like that, get attached to dreams of marriage and give in right away, your eyes close and you start flying right away, does he really love you? And what are his intentions? In reality, you don't know that. Love is like being drunk for a little while. (What does Turgut know about love? LOOOOL)
F: I don't believe that, every situation is different, just like every person is.
T: You don't know the person you love, in that time you see one side, afterwards you see another side to that person... ah Feride ah. You can't even imagine, what a person does to another person is worse that what a scorpion does to another scorpion. The accident of me entering the engagement will end before it started, I will throw away the rings very soon.
F: I am sorry for both of you.
T: Of course Serra will be very upset, she loves me a lot you know, but what can I do? Should I spend my life with a woman I don't love? And how are you, how is you relationship with your father now?
F: I don't want to talk about that now.
T: OK Feride dear, however you want, MAMAFIHHHHHH, don't forget this: if your soul burns (your heart breaks) mine will too. (he can only get romantic with a broom I suppose).
Safiye - Nazif:
So Ilknur gives Nazif Jr's drawing to her dad... and tells him that may God keeps him safe, he tells her "you too". Safiye stays:
Safiye: I gave Mahir the letters and he took them to court, hopefully it will help... Is that why she came? She felt sick after she visited you.
N: She believes I killed Suleyman.
S: What if she says something bad in court?
F: I'll see you at work.
T: Feride, I want to accompany you to your house, where are you staying?
F: There is no need for that.
T: Salih comes to that house? Is that why you don't want me to come?
F: Good bye Turgut.
T: I wanted to say, you can come and stay in my house... You can come now and I will have them prepare the house for you, you can stay as long as you want with me.
F: There is no need for that, thanks again. Good evening.
T: Ahh, you can come and stay with me until the morning, then we leave together to attend Salih's funeral... (what an idiot.)
Y: Yilan Berdan will come later to give me the money.
M: Will he drive the truck?
Y: No, he is careful, after he leaves we can follow them, but if they catch me this time, I wont make it, they will get rid of me, I wont be able to be an insider again.
M:If you succeed today, what will happen?
Y: Berdan will trust me, because the notebook incident is still fresh, he was suspicious, but after tonight, he will trust me,if he suspected me in the past, he will trust me now. The goal is the big operations. Yilan is coming those are his men, they come before him to check first.
The neighbor knocks on Feride's door and gives her sweets from a wedding, telling her to eat or she will be too thin, then goes on talking about "her son": "my son likes pastries, Ayten used to cook a lot for him, you need to know how to make these... Oh you got upset because I said Ayten..." She asked Feride for her name, and she tells her that Feride's names is beautiful. Feride thanks her for the pastries visibly upset that Atilla abla brought up Ayten's name lol...
Nihan: You must have been hungry because of me, if only I made something earlier. I will prepare the table now.
Mahperi: Mother! That man who killed my father is your ex-husband? Do I have a brother ?
N: Who told you this?
M: That man’s son came in, Orhan. Why did you kept it a secret? That man killed my father because of you? How long you did you plan to stay quiet mother?
N: I will explain everything, absolutely everything.
The illegal guns smuggling scene:
Yilan Bardan: Hello gentlemen!
Man: Hello brother Berdan abi.
YB: Is this the stuff?
Man: Yes.
YB: Very good, the goods are ready as well as the money, let’s make the exchange and everything is done here.
The men are speaking in Bulgarian...
YB: What did he say?
Man: Its been hard this time getting the goods in, we had big expenses. We need more money!
YB: What is that supposed to mean? We already agreed on the sum.
Man: Not possible brother, we are not making money here, who will make it up for us? We will not finish the exchange then.
YB: Are you playing games here with me? Are you? You will do as we agreed, take the money and give us the goods.
Yasin: It seems we are out of luck. The things are not going to happen now.
Man: We are not going to do it. You either give us more money, or we are finished here, trade is not going to happen!
YB: Are you trying to twist my arm? I will kill you both here and keep my money and your goods as well. Shut up!
POW POW POW scene... and a lot of swearing.
Mahir: So, Yilan's men killed the other gang members just like that?
Yasin: This is Yilan! Would he ever fall in any trap?
YB: Take them. Call over them there, so they are ready to take the wounded. I am going now. You have only 2 hours to make sure all the goods are inside the warehouse!
Other gang member: What should we do if the police are notified after hearing gun shots? They are surely on their way if someone made the call already.
YB: *a lot of swearing* My damn bad luck!
Yasin: Yilan got everything, the goods and the money as well...
Mahir: What should we do next?
Yasin: We will stay like this, we need to wait and follow them when they move the goods from here.
Turgut-Yilan Bardan on the phone:
T: Necdet, tell me you have good news?
YB: This is me, Yilan. We had problems with finalizing the sale. Someone heard the gun shots and notified the police. You need to fix things as there are 4 to 5 dead bodies.
T: You mess up things then call me and say run and fix things, brother!
YB: We are waiting for you Mr. prosecutor.
Turgut leaves, and Necdet calls him...
Ibo: The phone stopped ringing brother!
Necdet : Let us make the call then, Ibo. No one is answering.
I: You said Mahir, Necdet?
N: This Mahir is a tricky one Ibo. Playing the role of the lawyer to save his father from the hanging rope. If you look from a distance he is Salih, and if you take a closer look he is Mahir.
I: What are you saying? Huh?
Orhan: Did I come in the wrong time?
N: Orhan, you are one of us, come in.
O: Carry on then, so I know what's going on.
N: We are just chatting.
O: So I am not one of you after all. Seems it is hard to get inside.
N: Every secret is heavy to carry by a man Orhan. Are you sure you want to carry this burden?
O: I am sure of it my brother Necdet.
N: Ok then, let’s see.
Mahir: Why they are waiting?
Yasin: I don’t know, but something happened; they didn’t even move the goods.
Man: Lets move the goods.
YB: Shut up you idiot! We need to wait to the prosecutor first. What would we do if the police come across us? Should we hide the goods between our legs? Let the police get out of the way, then we quietly move the goods. I am going now. You need to do exactly what the prosecutor tells you and trick the police.
Yasin: What is going on here? Why the police are here? Things are ruined.
Mahir: There is something happening.
Man talking to the police: We are not armed, we came here after hearing the gun shots.
Police: We will investigate, not you!
Man: They killed our relative and we came here to check things out.
Mahir: Isn’t this prosecutor Turgut?
Yasin: Yes he is, they notify him if it is a big case.
Mahir: They managed to find him in the big city of Istanbul? And he is not even in duty.
Yasin: Come on abi, the goods are on the move... Come on, we need to go.
N: Be careful Orhan brother, the place is dark. This is the secret. The price has to be paid so Bulent can rent the shop.
Orhan: What will you do about this now?
N: We will finish this and your brother in law will take his shop. It is not a permanent solution, but at least he will not stay jobless.
O: What is the reason behind this kindness and the helping spirit?
N: My brother Orhan, Kara family is very valuable tp me and to Daylan.
O: We need to pay you back nevertheless.
N: No need brother, paying back is not necessary.
O: Let’s start then.
Mahir-Yasin stopping the guns truck:
Man 1: What is this now?
Man 2: I suppose they fell out of truck.
Man1: It could be a trap? Let’s move it.
Yasin and Mahir hiding behind trees, they attack the men.
Mahir: What should we do with them now?
Yasin: Let’s move them to the side, they will be conscious in 15 minutes.
Feride is impatiently waiting for Mahir; getting angrier by the minute. She starts looking in the drawers in Kosta's house. She came across a picture of Nazif with little Mahir but barely missed looking at it. She then tells herself: "what are you doing Feride? What are you doing?"
We see Orhan and Necdet burying that guy somewhere deep in woods...
Mahir and Yasin take the truck with guns to Yasin's boss...
Yasin tells him he couldn't do it without Mahir's help, and the boss thanks Mahir.
Boss: Bravo Yasin. You made me embarassed.
Y: Walla, Mahir helped me! I couldn't do it alone.
B: I already met your friend before.
M: I am sorry for the other day...
B: Thanks Mahir, I owe you a lot. You will own a part in this.
Y: Boss, the goods will stay here for the night, tomorrow we will share them.
M: If you don't need anything else, I am going, Yasin.
Y: Thanks brother.
Mahir gets home...
M: Maybe you will forgive me with these flowers. Whatever you're gonna say you're right, I made you wait long... Feride? Feride...
M: Ah how nice are the what you've prepared.You're angry I know, you are right.Look, you didn't eat so let's eat together.
F: No, I am not hungry.
M: Mmmm the pastries are good! I didn't know you were a good cook, Hakime hanim.
F: I didn't make them, the lady neighbour did.
M: Oh really... hm... eh, why did she come?
F: The neighbor came, we talked a little.
M: What did you tell her? What did she want?
F: Nothing. She just brought me food. I did wrong in opening the door to her? Are you hiding anything I should know then?
M: No... I didn't mean that.
F: What did you mean then? The woman just wanted to get to know me, that's it, accept it. I am really angry at you, Salih. Really angry.
Then we see Necdet and Orhan cleaning up their hands, useless conversation...
To be continued tomorrow.
Reminder: Seoul International Drama Awards
Hello all,
I would like to remind you to keep on voting for Karadayi!
If you all want to see the team in Seoul, South Korea, then we need your help to help Karadayi win the nomination! Currently it is a tight race between 20 Dakika and Karadayi, so help in any way you can.
Go on this website: http://www.seouldrama.org/EN/
Head over the "Serial" section, and keep on clicking the red heart next to Karadayi.
Thank you!
- L.K.
EPISODE 28 Translation
Hello all,
please make sure to check the blog in the next few hours, as I will have the whole episode's translation ready and posted here.
- L.K.
Karadayı 29.Bölüm Fragman
Here is the translation!
M: I became killer of our love.
I shouldn't have got close to you.
I shouldn't never have touched you.
You will be the only owner of my heart, until I die.
T: My dear Feride!
What can I do for you?
To relieve your pain?
I shouldn't have got close to you.
I shouldn't never have touched you.
You will be the only owner of my heart, until I die.
T: My dear Feride!
What can I do for you?
To relieve your pain?
Apr 20, 2013
Karadayı 27.Bölüm Fragmanı
Sorry about not posting this before, we forgot to publish it.
Karadayı 27.Bölüm Fragmanı
Bahar : Kostas Kunduras.Mahir : I'm not here to talk about your old faults. Did you talk about your relationship with Mr. Suleyman in those letters?
Guard : Nazif Kara, you have a visitor. Kader Altun.
Erdal : İf judge Feride doesn't break the pencil everyone will doubt her objectivity, and think she protects Nazif Kara.
Mehmet Saim : That dude is going to be dead.
Necdet : Salih İpek...
Turgut : When he goes out, take him down.
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